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4 Benefits of Trying A Laser Cap for Hair Growth

4 Benefits of Trying A Laser Cap for Hair Growth

It’s no secret that getting older comes with many changes. You might experience changes in your skin, like wrinkles, as you reach 30. You might encounter more pain, such as backaches and knee aches. 

Many adults also notice changes in their hairline — balding, thinning, and hair shedding. While hair loss isn’t hazardous to your physical health, many patients notice it depletes their self-esteem. Do you want an FDA-approved, noninvasive way to restore your hairline? 

At Hair Doc, located in Cow Hollow, San Francisco, we provide the laser cap to stimulate dormant hair follicles and restore your hairline. Here are four benefits of treatment.

1. A laser cap provides impressive results

Laser caps aren’t a new technology. They work based on a mechanism called low-level light therapy (LLLT) discovered by Endre Mester in the 1960s. But how does it work?

The laser cap emits LLLT to your scalp to stimulate hair follicles where hair loss has occurred. Your scalp’s cells absorb the laser light that encourages metabolism and protein synthesis. This cutting-edge treatment provides thicker, fuller hair in as little as four months.

Mester first used the technology for cancer research on mice and noticed their improved hair growth, inspiring its cosmetic use. Since then, laser hair caps have been used in various studies proving their effectiveness in improving hair thickness and covering bald patches in men and women.

2. Treatment is 100% natural

While hair transplants offer great results, not everyone is willing to go under the knife. Medications like Rogaine and Propecia® are packed with chemicals that can provide side effects for some users.

You only get one body in this lifetime. That’s why treating it the best and safest way is important. Laser caps are 100% natural and FDA-approved, making them one of the safest treatments for hair loss. 

No pain is associated with treatment, which makes it a great option for patients with low pain tolerance.

3. Done on your time

Do you work 40-plus hours per week and feel like you have no time for yourself? Many patients feel this way, making scheduling appointments complicated and stressful.

A laser hair cap is a great option for busy lifestyles because it’s done on your time. Just place the laser cap, which looks like a regular baseball cap, on your head for 15-30 minutes and let it go to work, awakening dormant hair follicles while you relax. Repeat treatment 3-4 times a week to get the best results.

4. No downtime

There’s nothing like getting a cosmetic treatment and looking like you had work done. While hair transplants involve about a week of downtime, this isn’t suitable for every lifestyle.

One of the best advantages of a laser hair cap is that they don’t involve any downtime. Just place the cap on your head and do whatever you please — read, write or watch TV. You can even go out in public without anyone knowing what’s going on under your cap.

Are you ready to see what a laser cap can do for you? Call 415-907-7355 to schedule your consultation or book online.

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