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Can Alopecia be Treated?

Can Alopecia be Treated?

It might have started slow — with a few strands of hair falling out here and there. Then you might have noticed small clumps of hair in the drain while you shower. Before you know it, you had balding spots on the crown of your head and at your temples.

No one wants hair loss, but as we age it becomes common with 80 million Americans facing it. The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia — a genetic hair disorder — which accounts for 95% of balding cases in men. While alopecia cannot be cured, it can be treated to regain thicker, fuller hair again.

Hair Doc provides a variety of hair restoration treatments for patients located in Cow Hollow, San Francisco, CA. Here we explain some of the treatment options for alopecia.

What to look for

Alopecia, or hair loss, can show up in many different ways. For some people, it comes on suddenly while others may experience it gradually. Here are some of the symptoms of hair loss:

While hair loss is just a common part of aging, it usually isn’t hazardous to your physical health. However, many find that it is directly related to plummeting mental health. 

Psychological effects of hair loss can include:

You don’t have to live with a negative self-image. There are a variety of treatment options for you to help regrow your hair and to regain happiness.

Hair you can run your fingers through

Hair might not seem like a defining part of your image until you start to lose it. Most men experience some degree of hair loss by 35, before most even start to feel old. Luckily, there are a variety of treatment options from surgical to medical, that can work for every lifestyle. These include:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

A type of hair transplant, a follicular unit extraction takes individual hair follicles from your scalp and moves them to places experiencing balding. As blood vessels flock to the planted hair, they nourish new, healthy hair growth. This method provides natural, beautiful results and allows minimal scarring so it's a great option for patients who keep their hair short.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

During an FUT, Peter Panagotacos, MD cuts a small strip from the back of your scalp. He takes individual follicles from the strip and transplants them into your scalp. FUT is generally an outpatient procedure that takes about 4-8 hours.


Prescription medications are a good option for those who wish for a nonsurgical route. 


Minoxidil, also called Rogaine®, works to stop hair loss while also promoting hair growth. Apply half of a capful to places experiencing balding twice a day and notice results in eight weeks.


Finasteride, better known as Propecia®, is an oral medication that can improve male pattern baldness at the crown of the head and middle of the scalp. Taken twice a day by mouth, Propecia works to decrease your body’s natural body hormone (DHT) to improve hair regrowth and halt hair loss.


Dutasteride works similar to Propecia to stop testosterone from converting to DHT. However, studies show Dutasteride may be more effective — .5mg of dutasteride can block more than 90% of DHT. This medication may be a great option for advanced cases of hair loss and patients who’ve experienced hair loss at a young age.

Laser cap

laser cap is an easy, noninvasive way to stimulate hair growth on your own time. Laser caps contain a low-level laser technology that encourages hair growth by stimulating dormant hair follicles. Just place the laser cap on your head for thirty minutes every other day and experience improved results in 2-4 months.

Topical products

Procrinix® lotion is a three-step treatment that can improve your hair loss by using synthesized biomimetic peptides. This treatment is drug-free, as well as free of sulfates and parabens. Just use the shampoo, conditioning mask, and solution daily and experience results in as little as four weeks.

No matter your degree of hair loss, Hair Doc has a treatment option for you. Restore those bald patches you see every time you look in the mirror by scheduling a consultation today.

Call 415-907-7355 to schedule your consultation or book online.

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