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Which Types of Hair Loss Respond Best to PRP Therapy?

Do you look in the mirror to notice your thinning hairline? You might have wondered when this happened to what seemed like just overnight. Many people experience hair loss for months or years before realizing it. 

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re experiencing some hair loss. And the reality is, you are far from alone. Hair loss is widespread, with over 80 million Americans facing it. 

You might have browsed the web for treatments and came across medications like Rogaine and Propecia®. While this is the go-to method for many, it’s not for everyone. Are you looking for a safe and natural way to improve your locks?

Located in Cow Hollow, San Francisco, Hair Doc is a premiere hair restoration center offering platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to patients like you who are looking for a medication-free way to replenish their hairline.

Blood with optimal healing powers

Your blood is composed of two main ingredients — red blood cells and plasma. Plasma is made up of white blood cells and platelets, which are abundant with growth factors. 

Growth factors are a naturally occurring substance that has an important job in telling your skin cells how to function. And when it comes to hair, they’re responsible for stimulating hair follicles and encouraging new growth. 

PRP contains up to ten times the amount of growth factors as normal blood, which provides a healing environment for dormant hair follicles while increasing blood supply for ample growth.

PRP therapy is done in three steps:

  1. Blood is drawn from your arm.
  2. The sample is spun on a centrifuge to separate its components. Then, it’s drawn into a syringe.
  3. PRP is injected into your scalp.

Most patients need 3-6 treatments spaced about a month apart to get a noticeable improvement in their hairline. While PRP injections may be a bit uncomfortable, they are not painful. Our patients tolerate the procedure well, but we can also apply a topical numbing cream if needed.

These kinds of hair loss respond best to PRP

Hair loss comes in many different shapes and forms. PRP may be a good treatment depending on what kind of hair loss you have — these are the most responsive to treatment.

Androgenic alopecia 

The most common type of hair loss for men and women is androgenic alopecia. This is caused by your body’s excessive response to androgens — sex hormones.

Androgenic alopecia causes hair loss in men (male pattern baldness) and women (female pattern baldness). Male pattern baldness occurs primarily at the front and crown of the head. In females, they often see thinning on the top and crown of the head, while the front hairline is unaffected.

PRP is a great remedy for hair loss in patients with androgenic alopecia. Many studies have proven PRP to be an effective treatment in improving hair density, thickness, and hair count.

Alopecia areata 

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that occurs when your immune system attacks healthy hair follicles. This creates sudden hair loss in circular patterns. This type of hair loss affects all ages but is most common among children and young adults.

In a clinically controlled study, PRP was more effective than minoxidil in treating alopecia areata.

Early hair loss 

Research suggests that the best candidates for PRP are those who are just starting to lose their hair. PRP aims to thicken and strengthen existing follicles, so it is best used for patients with thinning or balding hair rather than those who are completely bald.

Make PRP a part of your grooming regimen today. Call 415-907-7354 to schedule a PRP consultation or book online.

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